Programme: Erasmus+ Youth, Key Action 1: training course
Venue: Lecce, Italy
Dates: 18—22 October 2021
Participants/national team: 2
Participating countries: Italy, Sweden, France, Austria, the Republic of North Macedonia, Portugal, Belgium, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, Greece, Germany, Portugal, Turkey, Bulgaria
Hosting organisation: Terzo Millennio – Laboratorio di Umana Solidarietà
Project description:
SOLIDARITY PHASE is a 4-day seminar involving 30 youth workers from 14 European countries. The seminar aims to respond to a need that arose in our organization during the phase of confinement, or rather of “social distancing”, caused by the COVID-19 health emergency. The health emergency quickly turned into a social and economic emergency. As youth workers, we asked ourselves what our role should be in this context, how our work and our methodologies must adapt in order to respond to the needs of the target groups we work with and what measures can be taken to prevent or limit episodes of exclusion due to economic, social and cultural differences.
Being strongly convinced of the need for a continuous and constructive dialogue with other organizations and youth workers committed to the social inclusion of migrants, we believe it is appropriate to organize a transnational seminar to share practices, methodologies, tools and future projects. The seminar aims to analyze the social effects of Covid-19 in the various European regions, both those caused directly by the health emergency and those caused by the subsequent period of social distancing, and to promote and share good practices implemented by the organizations involved.
In particular, we want to underline two aspects that we believe are incisive and decisive for the development of interventions aimed at inclusion in the “post-
lockdown” period:
➢ the massive use of the Internet and therefore the reduction of direct contact with the recipients of our interventions;
➢ the risk of increasing exclusion episodes caused by economic, social and cultural disparities.
- Analyze the social effects of COVID-19 in the different European regions, considering both those caused by the sanitary emergency and the consequent lockdown;
- Promote and share the good practices already acted by the participating organizations at local level;
- Reinforce cooperation and networking in the sector of Youth, defining common and innovative practices to face the new challenges in the social animation;
- Increase competences of youth workers in the field of the inclusion of youth with migratory background,
- Define new tools and common projects to be developed in the future
Target group:
Solidarity phase is mainly aimed at YOUTH WORKERS or volunteers, interns, coordinators of the partner organization, social workers and representatives of public social services.
- experienced in working with migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and young
people, especially with a migratory background, - willingness to share good practices, skills and interest in the design and implementation of actions aimed at the social inclusion of migrants,
- ability to assume responsibilities and engage the organization in future joint projects,
- able to communicate in English (working language);
- over 18-year-old.
Arrival on 18/10/21 and Departure on 22/10/21
Accommodation: The project will take place in Lecce, which is a southern Italian city known as the “Florence of the South”. Participants will be accomodated in a double room with the person of the same gender but coming from a different country to provide more opportunities for intercultural dialogue :).
Reimbursment: Reimbursement of travel costs will ONLY be done upon full attendance in the training and presentation of the original tickets with boarding passes and receipt/invoices
Food: Food expenses (breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee breaks) are covered by the project and managed by Terzo Millennio.
Fill in the application form
For more infos, please read the info-pack.